In a culture full of competing worldviews, your generous support will equip student athletes to reach their schools, families and communities with the truth of Jesus. Your participation through sponsorship and advertising is our creative way of supporting the mission.
It’s time to spark a spiritual movement for God!
Checks can be made out to
FCA Howard County, 4550 Centennial Lane, Ellicott City MD, 21044
Will you be a table host this Spring ?
A table host commits to sponsor one entire table for seven other guests sitting at their table.
Table hosting is a great way to introduce friends or coworkers to FCA. To see what FCA might be doing in their community. Guests will be given multiple chances to donate to FCA programs this evening.
Table Sponsorship is $1000.
Table sponsorship goes toward the evening's total dollar amount raised.
Table hosts will be asked to submit and/or confirm their guest list(s) by April 10, 2025.
Platinum Sponsorship Package - $10,000
Field Signage:
Large, premium-positioned banner on the field, visible during all football games and practices.
Website Logo Placement:
Your logo prominently displayed on the homepage of our two websites with a direct link to your website.
Dinner Recognition:
Your logo will be featured on the FCA photo backdrop at FCA events and during along with a special mention during the event.
Full-page ad in our 2025 season program, recognition in all social media promotions, and an exclusive meet-and-greet with FCA leaders and their families.
Gold Sponsorship Package - $5,000
Field Signage:
Medium-sized banner placed on the field sidelines, visible during all home games.
Digital Signage:
Digital ad displayed weekly ( 8 wks ) on social media platforms leading up to games and events.
Website Logo Placement:
Your logo displayed on the sponsor's page of our website.
Dinner Recognition:
Your logo included in a sponsors’ slideshow at our annual dinner.
Half-page ad in our season program and mentions in selected social media posts.
Silver Sponsorship Package - $2,500
Field Signage:
Small banner placed near the entrance of the field, visible during all home games.
Digital Signage:
Digital ad displayed weekly ( 10 wks ) on social media platforms leading up to games and events.
Website Logo Placement:
Your logo listed on the sponsor's page of our website.
Banquet Recognition:
Your logo included in a group recognition at our annual banquet.
Quarter-page ad in our dinner program.
Bronze Sponsorship Package - $500
Field Signage:
Small banner near the field entrance.
Digital Signage:
Mention on our social media accounts.
Website Logo Placement:
Your logo displayed on the homepage of our two websites with a direct link to your website.
Banquet Recognition:
Name mentioned in the group thank-you and slideshow during the annual banquet.