Serve With FCA 

Modeling serving like Jesus did.

There is no better place to volunteer your time, talents and treasure than with FCA Howard County. Where else can you exercise your love of Christ and passion to inspire young people through sports?


The middle school huddle is the first opportunity for many student-athletes to be introduced to FCA. Middle School Huddles benefit from having parents and other volunteers assisting with the administration of there huddles in many different ways. From snack schedules and carpools, to guest speakers and mentors, every middle school huddle is greatly impacted by engaged parents and empowered volunteers. 


The high school huddle is where FCA takes student leadership to the next level. Each huddle is student lead which insures them certain rights and privileges once they are officially recognized as an on campus huddle. The amount of influence that a campus huddle can have can depends greatly on the mentors and volunteers that come along side and assist them. That assistance can come in the form of mentoring and discipleship, becoming character coaches, offering leadership development or even job assistance. 


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